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SEL - AutoCAD Structural Blocks Layer 0

27 July, 2024

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Choose a Layer 0 Library Division:

Main Division Current Status ∑ # Templates ∑ # Blocks Updated
  02-L0 Foundation 17 264 06 Jun, 2013
  03-L0 Concrete 38 415 06 Jun, 2013
  04-L0 Masonry 03 42 06 Jun, 2013
  05-L0 Steel & Metals 71 1032 06 Jun, 2013
  06-L0 Wood 60 961 07 Jun, 2013
  Total   189 2714  


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The AxiomCpl AutoCAD Structural Blocks Layer 0 library is divided into main divisions. Each material division has many subdivisions. Consequently, the subdivisions have several templates with corresponding, similar Layer 0 AutoCAD structural blocks. One template typically has several DWG AutoCAD structural blocks shown as thumbnails. All Layer 0 DWG AutoCAD blocks are drawn to scale at 1:1 and are on Layer 0 without any notes or dimensions. There is only one layer for these blocks which Layer 0 (white/black color). See Samples for examples.

AutoCAD Blocks : Structural Blocks Layer 0 Library setup:

  • Main Divisions
  • Subdivisions
  • Templates
  • Blocks

We provide you with the best quality DWG AutoCAD structural blocks for Layer 0 (white/black) for many different AutoCAD shapes, types and materials including, foundation CAD blocks, concrete CAD blocks, precast CAD blocks, masonry CAD blocks, steel CAD blocks and shapes, wood CAD blocks and shapes, and timber CAD blocks. We have an extensive library of accurately drawn Layer 0 DWG AutoCAD structural shapes and components that we create which saves you time and money. All Layer 0 DWG AutoCAD structural shapes can be dropped directly into an open AutoCAD session using the i-drop function. See all access options.

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