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Handbook of Structural Details Index

22 October, 2024

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Handbook of Structural Details Index:

Select from the table below the Handbook you would like to view or download. These Handbooks are provided to you by SEL Structural Engineering Library online portal. All structural details in these Handbooks have corresponding AutoCAD dwg format drawings that can be purchased online or by membership subscription. You can view all AutoCAD access options here:

Select Handbook From Table Below

Handbook Edition Type/Size $ Version Published
Handbook Structural Details - PDF Format PDF      
Free Abbreviated Handbook of Structural Details First Edition by Atallah Sayegh, PE
R01-handbook cover
115 pages - 5 MB FREE R01 July 8, 2013
Handbook Structural Details - Paperback Paperback      
Handbook of Structural Details For Buildings - First Edition By Atallah Sayegh, PE
R01-handbook front cover
ISBN-10: 098987060X
ISBN-13: 978-0-9898706-0-3
500 pages 78.95 R01 Aug 20, 2013

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