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Structural Library

27 July, 2024

By: Atallah Sayegh, P.E.

Structural Library

  • Axiom Solutions, LLC has developed a uniform web-based Central Professional Structural Library containing DWG AutoCAD structural details and blocks that may be accessed and directly downloaded on final drawings using the Autodesk i-drop® feature.
  • Since this user-friendly Structural Library is web-based, it allows access, mobility, consistency, efficiency, quality control, and time saving to the professional members and their staff.
  • Furthermore, the Structural Engineering Library is configured in a way that supports simultaneously both the design professional and his or her technicians.
  • The Structural Library is divided into divisions, sub-divisions, templates, and details.
  • The axiomcpl™ Structural Library uses a color-coded system to inform the user when new details or blocks have been added, remain unchanged or modified.
  • All the DWG details and blocks once uploaded to the Structural Library are in a near complete status and only require a review by the design professional. Review boxes have been placed around pertinent information on the details for the design professional to check with his design and update as required.
  • The Structural Library includes AutoCAD structural details and AutoCAD structural blocks for many types of structural systems including foundations, concrete, precast, masonry, steel, and wood construction.
  • The AxiomCpl structural library has several browse and search options and easy access for both individual and corporate members. Each individual user has total and complete access to his or her own profile. The structural library also has a privileged account information area for corporate administration where an administrator can manage employees accounts, membership levels and passwords plus customizing the corporation account.
  • This structural library has Autodesk i-drop® capability that may be turned on and off by the user. In addition, the structural library provides the user with several types of file formats for each structural detail.

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